Are we solely responsible for where we stand in life?
I think it totally depends on a person’s capabilities and limitations. For instance: a person who is absolutely not capable of doing anything because of his physical or mental condition should not be blamed by us . We should measure his deeds while comparing with his condition, and try to help him to stand on his own feet. If a person, is absolutely fine, physically and mentally, but not doing anything, then we can blame him. M aybe he is not doing anything, because of his laziness. For these people, there should be some counselors, who can talk to them, and make them realize that they should do something, or the counselors can put some ideas in front of them. What they can do, and how they can do it. Even so many physically challenged had done such a tremendous thing which is beyond the reach of many physically normal people. One of the greatest examples is "Stephen William Hawking". As many of us know about him, We know what he was bein...