AIHEARU (A speech recognition app for disabled people)


The conversation is a process of exchanging our thoughts, feelings, or emotions with others. There are multiple ways to express our thoughts and feelings with others. For instance: By speaking, writing,  sign language, etc. Speaking is the most common and comfortable method to express our thoughts and feelings. We can talk directly face-to-face with people, or we can have a phone call, video call. Nowadays, zoom group meetings are getting very popular. Thanks to all these technologies, it seems like, this whole world is a room, and we are talking with each other in this room. 

Unfortunately, in this room, there are many people who are not able to speak clearly or any single word. Some people are trying to communicate with people with their sign language,  or by writing.  People who talk often to them, they can understand their words. However, for the rest, it is quite difficult or impossible to follow their words.

As some of you are aware of me, I have cerebral palsy and have difficulty in controlling my muscles which also makes speaking clearly a challenge. Amit, my younger brother, has grown up with me, can clearly understand what I say, while people who don’t know me, have difficulty understanding me, so he translates my words for them. Those people who talk to me often can follow my words.

                                                                                      Amit & Anand

I studied in a normal school and some of my classmates could understand my words and would interpret for the teachers.

Since, nowadays, the technology is growing very widely and rapidly. If we compare today and fifty or sixty years ago, we can find a vast difference. As we all know, in ancient times, people were sending letters through birds. Gradually, there were so many revolutions. The Post system was started, by the postmen. The telephone was invented by the great "Alexander Graham Bell".Later on, the code less, mobile phone, and internet eras started.

So, we can observe that, along the time how we are growing and developing. And now, it is the time to try something for the betterment of the differently-abled people, with their speech challenge.

                                                                                               Arun, Anand, Amit

In this process of development now, my elder brother Arun Munje and my younger brother Amit Munje are trying to give their contributions, in the world of speech impairment.


With modern technology duplicate an AI Amit for every Anand.

They are developing an app, in which a user can record his voice to train the app. As much he trains, the voice will go for the training. And, as much as we train the app,  there would be more accuracy in voice recognition.   

Promising of this app:

I am so happy and delighted while wondering about how this app would be helpful, not only for me, but it would be beneficial for the millions of people with speech disabilities. We can imagine how difficult it is, for those people who have speech problems and difficult to converse with other people.  Of course, they can type in their mobiles or computers, but,  that might not be the easiest thing for them, or even myself. 

Let’s compare two conditions:

First condition: I am traveling alone by metro and, need to buy a ticket.  With my speech problem, either I can try to make the ticket-seller explained, with my voice, that where I want to go. Since, it is impossible, quite difficult or there are slight chances that, I can able to explain, in my voice that, where. I want to go. 


 I can type on my mobile, or write on a piece of paper my destination’s name, and show to the ticket-seller. It would be more comfortable than the previous method, but still, it would be difficult and time taking work to type on mobile, and my handwriting is also not readable :). So, this option would be difficult too.

Second condition:  I am traveling alone by metro and, need to buy a ticket.  With my speech problem, I open the  AIHEARU app, on my mobile, simply speak “my location”,  it will recognize my words,  displays it in the form of text, I will show to the ticket-seller, and buy the ticket, conveniently.

So, which option would be better: The first option or the second option?

Undoubtedly, the second option would be better. It would be much faster and more convenient not only for me but for many other speech-disabled people. They can travel alone, anywhere they want to go.

Everyone has so many problems and suffers in this world, but, the positive aspect of our life is, at least we can always try to solve many problems

So, let's hope and pray for the success of this app.


  1. Will we be able to talk with each other on the phone with this app?

    1. Yeah, we have to download this app on mobile, and can chat.


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