A bakery with difference

                            This blog post is all about the empowerment of differently-abled people.

As we know, differently-abled people have limited opportunities as compared to normal people, but it doesn't mean they cannot do anything, and they should sit back. When differently-abled people do something extraordinary, it inspires everyone and proves that if we do something with interest and a proper systematic way, then no physical challenges can stop us from doing it. Even if we can't succeed in some of the attempts, there are many other opportunities.

I admit there's no magical thing in this world. With self-confidence, we should be practical also. We should consider the following questions: What is our goal? What are the possibilities to achieve our goals?

There are various goals that people have, but the most common goal is to live a financially independent life. To fulfill this dream, "Yes! We Can" NGO has taken an initiative to empower women with disabilities through this Chocolate 🍫 making workshop. I am so happy and honored to be a member of this wonderful NGO. And, I would try to help this bakery grow.

Come and join hands with us, so that they can earn and support their family.

Can't continue my bad poem anymore.

Sorry for making you. bore.

I hope, you will forgive me for sure.

Designed by me, the surounding part

Disclaimer:  The images are not of real cakes from the store.


  1. I loved the write up totally,,,, brilliant,,, kudos Anand

    1. Thank you so much sir for your appreciation !!!!!

  2. Amazing Bhaiya👏👏👏👏

  3. A good and well-intended write-up.

  4. Very good writeup. I was wondering how many talents God may have given to me that I have not yet developed.

    1. Thank you so much!!
      This question "I was wondering how many talents God may have given to me that I have not yet developed." is for myself and for everyone too. What talents we've and how many talents we've.


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